Wednesday, October 25, 2017

About Me

1.  I love to read.  Since having kids, I haven't had quite as much time as I'd like to so I have started listening to books in my car on my 40-minute commute.

2.  When I was a freshman, the senior girls at my school were SO MEAN to me.  Think: calling me Slutbrina, instead of Sabrina, in front of the entire high school band.  I still don't even know why they hated me so much, but it was not fun.

3.  In my adult life, I have lived in 8 houses and 4 towns.

4.  I always wanted to be married with all of my children by the time I was 30 years old.  Well, it happens that I didn't even meet my husband until I was 29.  I was 31 when I got married and 34 when I had my youngest child.

5.  My husband is 2 years younger than me.

6. My favorite movie quote is "There's no place like home" from The Wizard of Oz.  That's exactly how I feel...there's no place I'd rather be that in my house with my family.

7.  Things that make me feel happy:  hearing my kids laugh, taking a walk, a night out, time with my girlfriends, Pepsi, peanut butter and cheese.

8.  My husband loves shoes more than I do.

9.  I LOVE dogs.

10.  I am not good at meeting people. I don't know if it's poor self-confidence or what, but I dread being in a room full of people I don't know.  You'll probably find me sitting in a corner getting alcohol into my system as fast as I can.

11.  I would rather read a real book than an e-book.  That's not to say that I don't read a lot of e-books just because it's convenient...but my preference is a real paper book.

12.  My favorite color is purple...although most of my wardrobe is black, gray or white.

13.  Things I dislike:  slow drivers, rude people, laziness and busy stores at Christmas time.

14.  I would love to visit Europe, but never will because of the long flight.

15.  I like to dance, but am not very good...unless I'm drunk - then I'm awesome.

16.  Favorite actress:  Reese Witherspoon

17.  Favorite actor:  Ryan Reynolds

18.  I like to think that I'm an extremely loyal friend.  If you're an enemy to my friend, you're an enemy to me.

19.  I'm normally a pretty nice person and not a fan of confrontation.

20.  I have loved Jennifer Aniston ever since Friends.  I want to be her...without the celebrity status.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Relationship Goals

Sometimes, I gripe about my husband...probably more than I should.  We all do.  But, really, since having two children with him and especially in the stage they're in now, it's clear to me that we need to put more focus on our relationship now than we ever have before.  It's so easy to get caught up in the raising kids thing that you forget about the person that you committed your entire life to, the person that will be by your side for always, and the person with whom you will be relationship role models for the little people in your house that are always watching!

So, I'm going to brainstorm and come up with some ideas for a bigger focus on our relationship.

  • Plan a date night once a night.  The kind where you actually leave the house...alone...without the children.  
  • Make sure that your date is for you, as a couple!  i.e. golfing, a concert, dinner at a restaurant...there are lots of things you can do together.
  • Cook dinner together, play games together, watch movies together.
  • Give little gifts and/or treats.
  • Designate time at home every day to just talk, whether it's something big or just how your day was...just to connect with each other.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Things I've Learned Since Becoming a Mom

1.  The first thing you learn (and very quickly, I must say) is that it's hard work.  Like climbing-a-mountain-with-a-load-of-bricks-on-your back hard...or harder.  Some days are easy peasy and other days will completely suck.  It's okay, you're allowed to say it.  Momming can really suck sometimes.  Like when they are sick or hurt and there's nothing you can do about it.  Like when their feelings are hurt and, worse, when you're the one hurting their feelings.  It really is necessary sometimes, though.  Anytime you have to "yell" at them or "punish" them, it will of course make them upset, but it has to be done.  Well, unless you want your kids to be total monsters.  So it's're probably going to dwell on it way longer than they will.

2.  Another thing I learned is that my voice is not always heard by little ears.  In fact, sometimes I question my own sanity because I've repeated myself so many times.  It's like I'm talking to a wall.  Those ears don't work for crap...unless the words "treat" or "cookie" are mentioned.  Then they're right at your feet listening to every word.  Must get that from their dad.  I swear my daughter does it on purpose sometimes just to make me mad.  But, then other times I look at her, and she is legitimately engrossed in the book or toy she is playing with and much too busy to listen to what I have to say.  Her little mind is taking every little thing in at all times.  Pick your battles, I guess.

3.  At some point, you will be that parent with that kid who is throwing an absolute fit in the middle of a store.  You will want to walk away and pretend like you don't even know this kid.  They will scream.  Loudly.

4.  Say goodbye to looking pretty.  You'll be lucky if you can take a shower and do your hair on the same day.  Flats and tennis shoes are your friend.  It's hard toting around a baby and/or chasing a toddler in heels.  And, trust me, you WILL be chasing them...everywhere.  Especially if you have a boy.  He'll be running away from you, gettting into every cupboard and drawer he can reach, climbing the name it, he'll be doing it.  You can wear your fancy schmancy shoes when you go out with your husband...if that ever happens again.

5.  You're going to spend less and less time with your friends.  Your kids are your friends now.  You're now asking your 4-year-old daughter how that dress looks on you instead of your girlfriends.  Oh, and your nice little two-door car?  Nope, not going to work.  You don't necessarily need a mini-van...I vowed never to own one and I still do not...but I immediately upgraded from my little Mitsubishi Eclipse to a crossover SUV as soon as we started trying for a baby.  My husband is totally on board for a mini-van, though.  He just loves that the doors slide open with a push of a button and all the room!

6.  You'll also very quickly learn that motherhood is the best thing in the whole world.  Everything that sucks about parenting doesn't even compare to how great and rewarding it is.  Shit definitely happens...sometimes literally...they spill things, they draw on the furniture, they break things, your house will be a mess, laundry will pile up.  But that just means that you're doing your most important job and that is being a good mom.  Sometimes you'll end the day crying because you're so stressed out.  Sometimes you'll go an extra day without giving them a bath.  Sometimes you eat out or order takeout more than once a week and (gasp!) sometimes it will be fast food.  And sometimes when you're kid is being naughty, it's funny and you laugh out loud.  You're not proud, but it's funny.

7.  Finally, the most important things I've learned from having, patience and life.  I never knew a love quite like the love between mother and child.  We literally need each other.  I can't imagine a life without them.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Joys of Real Life

Well, I asked if I could get a picture of the two of them together...this is what I got.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

I am in no way a designer, but I love to play around with things.  Part of my goal for this new blog is to share the things I love.  And lately, I've loved all of the paper products (prints, cards, invitations, stationary, etc.) so I tried my hand at something simple....a recipe card.  I can print them out on cardstock and attach them to a baking dish for a really cute gift.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

My First Post...Hello!!!

My first official post on the new blog!  I have so many ideas for I'm just going to do it!  I'm so excited to restart my blogging journey to share all things family, kids, fun, oils, make up, you name it-I'll blog about it!